Wow what a year and already a month since we had our baby girl. This year literally flew by it has been crazy. Maybe because we were so excited to welcome our baby girl home or time just flies when you are a parent. My son changes every day and sometimes I look at him and think geez where did my little baby go from last summer. If it weren't for our obsessive picture taking I would of missed him growing and changing. He is so independent and smart I'm gonna cry when he starts school in september. Remy is doing soo good her 1st month flew by..she sleeps good during the day and its off and on at night..I'm very thankful for her to be doing so good and big brother adores her.
Here is my 1001 joys continued...
61. Coffee-the vice that keeps me going these days
62. My BFs job- I'm thankful he has a fulltime job and I am able to stay home with the kiddos
63. Mother in law (soon to be)- wierd to be saying that but she has been a real shoulder to lean on for advice and she treats me like I'm her daughter and no different, which is huge for me since I don't have a relationship with my own mom.
64. A healthy flourishing baby girl
65. Football- brings my bf and I together because we have a strong passion for it and love watching it together.
66. A&W rootbeer :)
67. My Dad- He's always there when I need him.
68. Our new Wii- Boone can play with us now and its fun to play it all together.
69. My camera and the passion for taking pictures.
70. Nachos...love some good chicken nachos from azteca!
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