Continuing in my finding joy thing today that I found I am really thankful for is my awesome OBGYN.
-His name is Stanley Malnar and he delivered Boone and of course I could only think of him to deliver our daughter, the thing I am thankful for in particular is his sincere generosity and kindness every time I see him. He makes me feel so loved when I am in there and that I am the best parent and person in the world.
Each visit he continues to amaze me as a doctor, he is older and has been through his share of deliveries and mothers I am sure. But he makes me feel like an individual and not just another chart he has to deal with. He has gone out of his way for me in many different ways, after I had Boone and came in for my 2 week check up, he personally walked me down to my car and put Boone into the car with is car seat, when I had my gallbladder attack in his office during my 30 day checkup he personally wheeled me in a wheel chair to the ER and into my surgery room taking time out of his work day to take care of one patient. He came back and saw me each day I was in the hospital before and after my gallbladder surgery.
I would recommend him to anyone he is an amazing doctor an a friend. I am lucky to have found such a great doctor, especially since he is the one who handles bringing the most important thing to me, into this world.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Finding Joy
Thanks to a friend who posted a very uplifting blog post and is starting a 1,000 moments of grace, I have decided to go right along with her and try each day to find the positive side in life. Like she stated in her blog it's hard sometimes to not let little things drag you down and ruin your whole day so here's to the next 1,000 days (or so ).
Day #1 I am thankful for a 2 1/2 year old who wants me to play with him and box, and wrestle.
Soon this little boy will want nothing to do with his mama and right now until his little sister comes we only have this time for just us. Then we will have to make time without sister to hang out and do our own thing. I know there are days where it can be so frustrating or when I am dead tired, but I need to realize he just wants to hang out and be with his mom. And I am thankful for the opportunity to be his mom.
Thanks Courtney for the idea for this and I hope to gain a better perspective each day in knowing I am looking for positive instead of dreading the negative.
Day #1 I am thankful for a 2 1/2 year old who wants me to play with him and box, and wrestle.
Soon this little boy will want nothing to do with his mama and right now until his little sister comes we only have this time for just us. Then we will have to make time without sister to hang out and do our own thing. I know there are days where it can be so frustrating or when I am dead tired, but I need to realize he just wants to hang out and be with his mom. And I am thankful for the opportunity to be his mom.
Thanks Courtney for the idea for this and I hope to gain a better perspective each day in knowing I am looking for positive instead of dreading the negative.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Today I went and purchased my baby girl's bed set thanks to her wonderful grandma!!! I am completely in love with it and can't wait for her letters to be ready to hang above her crib! I plan on getting the blanket to match the bed set and possibly the hamper not sure. I might get a hamper for the kids room that they both will use something neutral. On another note I have my baby shower in one week :) I can't wait to see family and friends and get together to celebrate bringing our baby girl into this world! I will be 30 weeks on Tuesday and we are scheduled for a C Section November 30th! so about 9 weeks left yay..can you say ANXIOUS

Here is Remy's new bed set her letters will match the bed set and I can't wait to receive them from the lady who is making them for me :-) (Post to follow)

This it the Blanket I want to match the bed set..It is literally the softest blanket I've ever felt
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hanging out today
It's been getting colder and colder lately and we have been trying to make the most out of being outside as we can before we have the new baby and it's plain to cold outside. So today we went on our morning walk and found 20 squirrels, and the ducks were very lively as well. Then we went home and hung out for a little bit and then headed down to Riverfront park to meet up with some friends and take a couple rides on the carousal. After some much dizzy riding around on the horse ride of death I like to call it we went to the blocks and the big red wagon slide. It was a very eventful day and Boone got to hang out with another friend. We came home took our normal nap Boone stayed dry through it :) and now we are relaxing as a family getting ready to watch some new Fall shows that are starting tonight CSI and The Office YAY!!!
Hope you had a great day, tomorrow is Friday heck yes!
Hope you had a great day, tomorrow is Friday heck yes!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Morning Adventures #2
This morning we headed out to Manito again for our morning walk, we started out greeting the duckies and walking around the pond. Then we went around the back way to the Rose gardens there and walked through and down a nicely ivy covered walkway. Then we started seeing a bunch of squirrels only 14 today. Then around the other side of the pond and Boone said goodbye to the duckies and home we came for some breakfast. The best part out of the whole thing was when we were leaving Boone said to me "I had fun mom thanks"! It melts your heart literally and I said "Well I had fun to booba thanks for going with me," he responds with his classic "yep".
Tell next time..have a great day!

Tell next time..have a great day!

Monday, September 20, 2010
Manito Morning Adventures
I was laying in bed last night trying to think of some way to get out with Boone and make it our thing we do together. And I came up with dropping daddy off at work which we do every morning lately (since he had ACL reconstructive surgery 9/9/10), then we head up the street a ways to Manito and walk around with no one else around but the occasional joggers. We did that this morning and said good morning to all the ducks while keeping an eye out for squirrels (we ended up seeing 15). We walked around the pond talking and pointing stuff out, while I sipped on my warm coffee. Then we walked up some hills to the middle of the park and he found a stick and pretending he was fishing and also kept telling me how good this stick would be to catch real fish, then we walked back to the pond and told the duckies goodbye and we would see them tomorrow. It was nice and quiet and it felt good to not be yelling or disciplining him we just did our thing together for a quick hour and came home for some breakfast and Milo and Otis.
Enjoy your monday and here are some pics from adventure #1

Enjoy your monday and here are some pics from adventure #1

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